5+ A Day: Kiwis need to eat more fruit!

5+ A Day: Kiwis need to eat more fruit!

Did you know the Ministry of Health recommends a daily intake of five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit, but studies show that a large percentage of New Zealanders fall short of meeting these guidelines?

5+ A Day Charitable Trust research shows only 23% of New Zealanders eat the recommended daily intake of vegetables and just 71% of us eat enough fruit.

Nutrition expert Dr Carolyn Lister, a trustee and Principal Scientist at Plant & Food Research, has highlighted the abundance of nutritious options available at this time of the year.

Fruits such as apples, pears, feijoas, mandarins, persimmons, RubyRed kiwifruit, and limes are not only in peak season but also rich in essential nutrients vital for good health.

These fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that play a key role in maintaining optimal health. Adding a piece of fresh fruit to your breakfast can be a simple yet effective way to increase your daily fruit intake.

Pears and persimmons, known for their versatility, can be enjoyed fresh or cooked and make a delightful addition to breakfast cereals. While pears are a great source of dietary fibre, persimmons boast a sweet honey-like flavour and contain beneficial plant compounds that support heart health and help reduce inflammation and blood pressure.

Feijoas, mandarins, kiwifruit, and apples are also powerhouse fruits, offering high levels of vitamin C to boost the immune system and prepare the body for the upcoming winter season. Apples, in particular, are praised for their many health benefits, with their skin containing higher concentrations of dietary fibre and essential phytochemicals compared to the flesh.

Dr Lister also said that by adding another fruit serving as a snack later in the day, you can easily meet your daily fruit requirement. Also, purchasing fruit that's in season can save money as prices are usually lower during peak harvest times.

Olympian Dame Lisa Carrington is also part of the 5+ A Day initiative promoting the benefits of consuming fresh fruits and vegetables for both physical and mental well-being. Lisa recommended incorporating fruits into pre-workout smoothies for added energy.

By exploring new breakfast ideas using seasonal produce and keeping your fruit bowl stocked with a variety of fresh fruits, you can easily elevate your daily fruit and reap the numerous health benefits these vibrant fruits have to offer.

Your body will thank you for prioritising your health and well-being through simple yet impactful dietary choices.


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