Security & Payment Policy

Security policy
All information DAILY ROBUST receives from its customers is protected by our secure server. Furthermore, all customer data collected is secured against unauthorized use or access. We use DPS hosted payment gateway with ASB Bank Ltd merchant services as well as Paypal which are secured by SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology and process payment process on behalf of SMART METHODS GROUP Limited. We do not store credit card information on our servers.

You can choose one of the payment methods below for your order each time you place an order.

Payment method via Debit/Credit using our secure payment gateway using Paypal checkout facility. All Paypal credit card transactions are processed in New Zealand in New Zealand dollars (NZD). Some banks may charge an overseas transaction fee and/or foreign currency exchange fee for purchases outside of New Zealand.

Afterpay payment method

All prices on our website are represented in New Zealand dollars (NZ$) and include New Zealand goods and services tax (GST). All prices are correct at time of publication; however we reserve the right to alter our prices for any reason at any time.

We will not be liable to you or any third parties for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages allegedly sustained arising out of your access to (or inability to access) our website. This includes viruses alleged to have been obtained from our website, your use of (or reliance on) any of the information or materials available on our website, regardless of the type of claim or the nature of the cause of action."