How to Create Super Salads

How to Create Super Salads

We often hear about the importance of consuming an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables daily, with the recommendation now standing at 7+ servings a day for adults in New Zealand.

However, a recent study reveals that a significant portion of Kiwi adults and children still fall short of meeting this target.

Apart from taking your Daily Robust (of course), there are other simple and delicious way to boost your intake of fruits and vegetables by incorporating them into vibrant seasonal salads.

By combining whole grains, protein sources, and flavourful dressings, you can transform a salad into a satisfying and nutritious family meal.

Here are five tips to elevate your salad game and make it a hit with everyone at the dinner table:

The Base
Start with a foundation of whole grains like cooked kumara, bulghur wheat, or brown rice. These complex carbohydrates provide sustained energy and essential fibre for gut health. Aim for the base to occupy about one-quarter of your plate.

The Produce
Add a splash of colour by including a variety of vegetables and fruits in your salad. Eating a rainbow of produce ensures a diverse range of vitamins and minerals in your diet. Whether fresh, canned, or frozen, aim for the produce to fill half of your plate.

The Protein
Make your salad more filling and satisfying by incorporating around 100-150 grams of lean meats (such as beef or lamb), tofu, eggs, or seafood. Protein-rich ingredients should constitute about one-quarter of your plate.

Enhance the flavour and texture of your salad with creative toppings like nuts, seeds, or fresh chopped chilli for an extra kick. Treat these toppings as the finishing touch, similar to confetti, and avoid overwhelming your salad with them.

The Dressing
A flavourful dressing is the pièce de résistance of any salad, as it adds depth and character to the dish. After all, a salad without dressing is merely a bowl of leaves. Experiment with various dressings to find your favourite combination.

Bonus Iron Tip
For beef and lamb enthusiasts, incorporating meatballs, grilled lamb, or sliced barbecued steak into your salad can significantly boost the iron content of your meal. The vitamin C from fruits and vegetables, when paired with lean red meat, enhances the absorption of dietary iron for optimal nutrition.

Whether you prefer your salad in a bowl or on a plate, remember that every day is an opportunity to enjoy a fresh, healthy, and flavourful meal filled with the goodness of vegetables.


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